
The Ourika Valley

Accessible from Marrakech in only 1 hour drive, the Ourika valley is an ideal place to enjoy a beautiful day in all serenity.

On your way, you will cross breathtaking landscapes: mountains, terraced cultures, Berber villages perched on the top of the hills, olive groves, etc. You can pause to admire the scenery offered by these villages that merge with the mountain. From Setti Fadma, you can go on a discovery hike along the paths in the middle of the mountains. The most athletic can climb to the beautiful waterfalls to admire the beautiful waterfalls and monkeys offering a picturesque setting.

On your return, you can comfortably settle down in one of the restaurants along the river to taste a good Berber tagine while enjoying the superb view of the mountain.

Our rates

From 1 to 2 Persons : 30 € /person

From 3 to 4 persons : 25 € /person

From 5 to 8 Persons : 20 € /person